American Amateur Baseball Congress (AABC) began in
1935 as the first national unlimited age baseball program with the aim of
crowning a national amateur champion. Over the years, the program has
expanded to include players of all ages. The system is designed to be a
graduating ladder from the time a youngster first becomes interested in
baseball until he reaches the threshold of professional baseball. The AABC
has placed more players in the major leagues than any other program in
The AABC is a nonprofit organization formed to promote competition and
stimulate interest in amateur baseball among the youth of our county through
education, maximum health, and high citizenship values. The AABC is the
largest baseball organization in the United States for players above junior
baseball age and the only amateur baseball program which provides continuous
competition from preteens through adults on a national level.
The organization is divided into two essential groups: the national and local
programs. The national program is composed of seven regions throughout the
country and Puerto Rico and is administered by a President and a Board of
Directors. Each of the seven regions represents a group of associations,
usually state, depending on the geographical makeup of the region.
The local program is formed at the state or association level. It is
affiliated and depending upon size, geography, and national approval, may be
divided into districts. States and districts are composed of leagues who teams and players are eligible for tournament play.
There are national rules for team composition and tournament play.
Association may permit more stringent regulations for themselves.
Associations elect their own officials and govern themselves up to the
tournaments, at which time AABC rules prevail. Since its inception, AABC has
maintained a policy of allowing local programs to govern themselves. There is
no conflict between national and local rules because local rules are approved
by the AABC.
The reason for clear divisions between the national and local programs is
simple. From years of experience we know that LOCAL PEOPLE ARE BETTER ABLE TO
GUIDE LOCAL PROGRAMS. The AABC is always available for consultation if
requested, but national jurisdiction begins at the regional level and is
intended to maintain equable tournament play.
to the New Jersey Axemen for winning the 2014
Jackie Robinson 9U World Series which was played in Brownsville Texas in
August. Attached is an article from North Jersey Record.
